A Systematic and Extensive Determination of Far Field Time Harmonic Electromagnetic Field of a Radiating Element

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Sovan Mohanty
Kamran Ashraf


Maxwell's equations have been used in time domain analysis, and it has been successful in a wide range of applications. Writing computer code to solve a straightforward scattering issue requires minimal effort than conventional frequency domain methods. However, issues arise when the time domain approach is employed to resolve arbitrarily complex problems. The simple time domain algorithm is not adequate for many real-world problems. For appropriate excitation in the time domain, for example, a waveguide transition analysis should have information on the incoming and outgoing mode patterns. If there is a time-varying current, then there is a possibility that it may produce radiation. In cases like this, frequency and time domain analysis is necessary, and their combination will produce an effective outcome. This paper provides a systematic and extensive determination of far-field time harmonic electromagnetic field, power flow, and radiation pattern in a desired direction of a radiating element.


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How to Cite
Mohanty, S., & Ashraf, K. (2019). A Systematic and Extensive Determination of Far Field Time Harmonic Electromagnetic Field of a Radiating Element. SRMS Journal of Mathmetical Science, 6(01), 8-18. https://doi.org/10.29218/srmsmaths.v6i1.02