Mathematical Model to Study the Heat Transfer between Core and Skin

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Vivek Kumar
Sapna R. Shah


A one-dimensional analytical model for heat transfer between core and skin is developed, and the relation between heat and distance from the core is obtained. This paper is a generalization of the earlier works by incorporating the effects of temperature on arterial and venousbeds andmetabolicheat generation depending on temperature and different atmospheric conditions. In this work it is considered that the epidermis layer is negligibly thin for mathematical simplification. The
results are obtained by taking variations in the coefficient of heat metabolism and metabolic heat generalization. In this work it is obtained the heat in tissue increases from core to surface in both cases where the coefficient of metabolism and metabolic heat generation are varied.


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How to Cite
Kumar, V., & Shah, S. R. (2024). Mathematical Model to Study the Heat Transfer between Core and Skin. SRMS Journal of Mathmetical Science, 7(01), 7-12.
Research Article